Date(s) - 31 Mar 2017 until 2 Apr 2017
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
International Conference: “The State of Israel and International Law: Legitimacy, Exceptionalism and Responsibility”
University College Cork, Ireland
31st March- 2nd April 2017
This conference will be the first of its kind and constitutes a ground-breaking historical event on the road towards justice and enduring peace in historic Palestine. It is unique because it concerns the legitimacy of the State of Israel under international law . Rather than focusing on Israeli actions in the 1967 Occupied Territories, the conference will focus on exploring themes of Legitimacy, Exceptionalism, and Responsibility; all of which are posed by Israel’s very nature.
The conference “International Law and the State of Israel: Legitimacy, Exceptionalism and Responsibility” will engage questions concerning the manner of Israel’s foundation and its nature, including ongoing forced displacements of Palestinians and associated injustices. The conference will examine how international law could be deployed, expanded, even re-imagined, in order to achieve regional peace and reconciliation based on justice. The conference is intended to broaden debates and legal arguments concerning historic Palestine and the nature, role, and potentialities of international law itself.
Participants will be a part of a multidisciplinary debate reflecting diverse perspectives, and thus genuine disagreements, on the central themes of the conference.
For further information, including programme and booking, visit the conference website.