BHPSC supporters take part in a wide range of activities
Please note that most of our public activities have of course been curtailed or suspended altogether during the Covid pandemic. We continue to do what we can, by fund-raising for important projects and activities in Palestine, and by convening regular online events featuring speakers from Palestine and around the world. You can see recordings of previous events on our YouTube channel. And of course we still welcome new members – click on ‘Get Involved’ and ‘Membership’ to find out more. We look forward to resuming our full range of activities as soon as it is safe to do so.
– Helping with our weekly stall, by talking to the public and handing out leaflets. We have recently resumed our stall after a very long absence, and are currently running it alternate Saturdays from 12 till 2pm (starting on 2nd Oct 2021). This is usually at the Clock Tower in central Brighton, but the location sometimes changes. To confirm the location, contact us using the link at the bottom of the page.
– Writing letters to the press or phoning the BBC when events in Palestine are reported inaccurately or in a biased way. Find out more here.
– Supporting demonstrations in the town as part of our contribution to the international movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) and to raise awareness about the Palestinian struggle.
– Coming along to our public meetings, with speakers or films, and to our events celebrating Palestinian culture. More
– Taking part in marches and demonstrations in the town at times of crisis, such as the assault on Gaza in May 2021.
– Travelling to Palestine to see the situation first-hand or to help with solidarity work (like helping to build a school in the Jordan Valley). Travel to Palestine Information
We take part in national events and demonstrations. We co-operate with other local organisations that support Palestinian rights, e.g. Brighton & Hove Trades Council, local branches of political parties and campaigns, Amnesty, Stop the War Coalition, Sussex Defend the NHS, Women’s League for Peace and Freedom, Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity, SmashEDO.
The best way to support our campaign is to become a member of BHPSC. You can join via this website by clicking here. We will ask for a small annual subscription. Once you have joined you will receive regular information about our activities, and will be able to take part in our discussions and planning. We will value your help and support.
A good way to find out about our campaigns and to get involved is by coming along to our monthly planning meetings. We meet on the third Thursday of every month starting at 7pm – currently via Zoom. To find out more about our planning meetings please use the ‘Contact Us’ facility on this website to check.
If you prefer not to become a member at this stage, you can still receive periodic email updates from us by signing up in the right-hand side column of this page. Please also check this website from time to time too.