Date(s) - 15 May 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
We’ll mark Nakba73 with a rally at the Clock Tower
Join us on the Global Day of Action
Assemble 12 noon on Saturday 15 May at the Clock Tower
Bring flags, placards, banners
Please circulate widely!
After our inspiring rally last night – attended by ‘hundreds’ according to the Argus – we’ll mark Nakba Day on Saturday with another show of solidarity.
Thanks to everyone who turned out last night to protest the assault on the people of Gaza, the militarised suppression of resistance in Jerusalem, and the threatened evictions of Palestinians from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah. Photos and vids available on Twitter at @BrightonPSC.
It was a magnificent show of solidarity for the people of Palestine.
But the current ethnic cleansing of east Jerusalem reminds us that the Nakba – or the ‘catastrophe’ – is not some distant event in the 1940s. It is ongoing and relentless. On Nakba Day (15 May) we do not simply remember the expulsions of 700,000 Palestinians from their homes and their lands in 1947-49. We also demonstrate our solidarity with Palestinians facing the ‘continuing Nakba’. This is illustrated dramatically by the proposed evictions from the Sheikh Jarrah district, as part of the ‘Judaisation’ of east Jerusalem.
With the complicity of the international community, the Nakba continues. That’s why we must act, NOW.
Let’s demonstrate our outrage over the multiple assaults currently being waged on the people of Palestine, and our outrage over our own government’s complacency and complicity.