Date(s) - 28 Feb 2018
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
An evening of solidarity and story sharing with Palestinian farmer Bassema Barahmeh and Zaytoun director in Palestine Taysir Arabasi
Wed 28 February 2018 – 18:30 – 21:00
Wagner Hall at The Platform
Regency Rd
Brighton BN1 2RT
Free admission – Register via Eventbrite
The evening is hosted by Fair Trade Brighton and Hove ( and Zaytoun CIC (
Bassema Barahmeh, a farmer, board member of the Palestine Fair Trade Association, village council member and mother of four.
Taysir Arabasi is a community leader and Zaytoun’s Director in Palestine.
Atif Choudhury a Brighton resident co-founded Zaytoun CIC in 2004 in direct response to his visits to Palestine and work volunteering with Palestinian human rights agencies.
Olive trees carry more than an economic significance in the lives of Palestinians. The trees are drought-resistant and grow under poor soil conditions, and so represent Palestinian resistance and resilience. The fact that olive trees live and bear fruit for thousands of years is parallel to Palestinian history and relationship to the land. Palestine has some of the world’s oldest olive trees, dating back to 4,000 years. In addition to their symbolic meaning, olives are a main source of income for around 80,000 Palestinian families.Threats by the Israeli army, land theft and continuous uprooting of the trees are daily struggles Palestinian farmers have to endure. Zaytoun as a Fair Trade initiative helps many farmers to trade beyond the Occupation Wall and reach international markets. Behind every bottle of Fairtrade olive oil, there is family and this is their story.
For full details visit the website for the event on the Eventbrite website.