The MP for Lewes, Norman Baker, sent Brighton & Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign the following message on Friday 23 August 2013:
“I strongly oppose the creation and expansion of illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank, and abhor the way Palestinian people have been forcibly displaced and had their land confiscated. If long-term peace is to be achieved in the Middle East, this can only come about through recognition by all of Israel’s right to exist on the one hand, and the creation of a proper, viable and autonomous Palestinian state on the other. The actions of the Israeli government in the West Bank, as well as being illegal and morally wrong, are making the achievement of that long-term peace much more difficult.
“Southern Water is a responsible and ethical company and I can only think that they were unaware of the nature of Arad’s involvement in West Bank activities when they engaged them. Nevertheless, that information has now emerged and under the circumstances I think Southern Water should re-evaluate their decision and at the very least be prepared to offer a water meter from an alternative supplier for those who ask. I have written to their Managing Director to ask that this be done.”