We have recently achieved some significant results in our campaign against the Arad-made water meters being installed by Southern Water.
The meters are currently being installed in Lewes. Following house-to-house leafleting in the town, as well as a leafleting session in the town centre last week, we can report:
- This has prompted a full and positive feature in the Sussex Express, the Lewes local newspaper, last Friday (“Call for a boycott on Israeli-made meters”). You can see a scan of the article here.
- The MP for Lewes, Norman Baker, has issued a strongly-worded message of support, and has written to the CEO of Southern Water asking for the contract with Arad Technologies to be re-assessed. You can read the full text of Norman Baker’s message here.
- Our campaign has also attracted the attention of the Israeli media. Have a look at the article that appeared in Ha’aretz last week. The article shows that, although the actual number of refusals remains small, the impact has been considerable.