Date(s) - 30 Mar 2019
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Assemble at the Clock Tower at 12 noon on Saturday March 30th
This is a major call-out to all our members and supporters to join us on Saturday March 30th from 12 till 2pm for a range of activities around the centre of Brighton to commemorate the start of the Great March of Return in Gaza in March 2018.
Palestinians have issued a global call for solidarity on the 1st anniversary of the start of the Great Return March. The people of Gaza continue to inspire the world with their weekly protests at the so-called perimeter fence. PSC are responding by coordinating a series of events around the country.
In Brighton & Hove we’ll be playing our part by demonstrating our solidarity with the people of Gaza. There will be street theatre at several locations in the city centre, and dedicated displays and leaflets to support this international day of action. Something for everyone! We need a really strong turnout on the 30th, so please reserve the date.
And there’s a special call-out to our younger members and supporters: you’re needed for one of the street theatre events! Older members: please bring your children, your grandchildren, your nieces and nephews!
Visit the Facebook Event Page for this demonstration.
Assemble at the Clock Tower at 12 noon on Saturday March 30th