Calling all Brighton and Hove PSC members or would-be members
If you are currently a member of BHPSC it is now time to renew your membership by paying your annual subscription. And if you would like to join us as a new member you would be most welcome.
Please note that unless you paid at the AGM on 14 July, or earlier this year when you joined, your annual subscription for 2012-13 is now due.
BHPSC depends on income from membership subscriptions to fund its campaigning activities. Additional donations are also important and much appreciated. During the last year we were able to donate funds to a variety of important projects including those involved in the re-building of Gaza and to the Jordan Valley Solidarity group so that fares could be paid for Palestinian activists to visit Brighton and Hove. It also helps us run the website, produce leaflets and organise effectively.
The sub remains at £10 waged and £5 unwaged. You can pay in one of two ways:
- Via this website using Paypal
- By cheque and post: cheque made out to and sent to The Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign, c/o The Brighton Peace and Environment Centre, 39-41 Surrey St, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 3PB
Please ensure that you enclose your full name, postal address and your up-to-date email address so that I can check our membership records.
Please DO pay without further prompting as this will save precious time and resources.
Membership enquiries to