We ask for a membership fee
The annual membership subscription is £10.00 (waged) or £5 (unwaged). There are three ways you can pay us:
The preferred method is to pay by BACS transfer directly from your bank account into our account. To do this, please click on the I wish to pay by BACS link below. This will set up an email message which will enable you to request our bank account details. We’ll reply with the information you need to set up a payment from your own bank account. (We don’t publish our bank account details on our website for security reasons.)
Alternatively, you can pay us by credit card, debit card, or PayPal. To do this, select either Waged £10 or Unwaged £5 below, and then click on the Buy Now button. You will be taken to the PayPal website and asked to pay your subscription by credit card, debit card or through your PayPal account. You do not need a PayPal account to pay us using this method.
Due to Covid restrictions our usual postal address is not available. Please email bhpsc.secretary@gmail.com to request details of where to send your cheque.
Please give full details of your name, address, telephone number and email address, and also let us know if you do NOT want to be included on our mailing list which will give you information of current and forthcoming events. Please let us have your cheque as soon as possible.